24 Nov 2011

Self Initiated

  I am just starting one of my Self initiated projects and as I have an amazing opportunity to have tutorials with Hainsley Brown (yes, the amazingly talented Hainsley Brown!) I have decided to make it a photographic project, which takes me to my FMP from the 1st year..

  'Don't Judge a Book by its Cover' came from researching the different Appearances of European People. As I come from Poland myself, I found it very interesting how people can recognise where someone is from just by looking at them. Therefore, I have investigated it further using questionnaires mostly. The end result is a book with different stereotypes of five Nationalities defined in the text. I have also added photographs of people
to make it more interesting. The idea of it is to get people to guess what Nationality each one is and revealing is slightly to them, which then makes us question if we can in fact trust stereotypes.

18 Nov 2011

John Lewis Christmas Advert

Absolutely adorable, and love the little twist at the end.. I get goosebumps every time I watch it.
I still find it amazing how kids can act like this!

24 Oct 2011

New Look - Nap On The Bow

New Look's new video, shot using the X-box Kinect camera and directed by Tim & Joe (Colonel Blimp) 

Amazing video. Reed more at the Creative Review Blog

2 Aug 2011

Tiesto's Official Music Video made by fans

 So excited for Tiestos new video which is finally out and is made by his fans with their mobile phones during the Kaleidoscope Tour, which thanks to my amazing friend I can say I was a part of as she got us tickets to his London show for my birthday (what an amazing birthday present?!) I've been wanting to see him for years but had to wait till I was 18 which was just painfull. You can see some of my videos here.

Ps. hope everyones having a great day (with the 29C outside!)

15 Jul 2011


 I love everything about this video. 
The music is genius and I wish I could be running around the beach now in such beautiful clothes,
I love every single outfit!

Marvin Gaye - Sunny

11 Jul 2011


Forgot how incredible Portugal is. 
I was looking through all my pictures from that holiday and.. wow! it's so beautiful and I really want to go back there! Also, I've been pretty shit with keeping up with my blog as there was so much going on recently, like going Hollywood!!! Was absolutely AMAZING! (I will add some pictures soon !) and I will try to be a bit more up to date. 


Oh! and if you want one inspiration for travelling make sure you see one of my favourite movies recently 'EAT, PRAY, LOVE'! It makes me want to travel even more.

17 Jun 2011

EXHIBITIONISTS - Our Installation

 This is what the final outcome of our installation looked like during the show/exhibition, the only sad thing was having to take it down early morning next day and i wish i had the chance to take more pictures!!

16 Jun 2011

Getting ready for the Show

 Yesterday was the day of our show/exhibition, which was such a good one and if you didn't manage to come - shame on you! You've missed a hell of a show! Anyway, I've uploaded some pictures from when we were setting our installation up, we chose to exhibit our Stalker piece, which was one of our Self Initiated projects Click here if you haven't seen it. 

I must admit setting it up was crazy and a lot of work, especially that everything and I literally, mean everything kept going wrong - from hanging stuff up (the brick wall didn't let us stick anything to it) so we had to get a massive piece of fabric and drill it and nail it in the wall (the brick wall really didn't like the drill or the nails either) and then stick everything onto the fabric. We also lost faith in having a desk as Argos decided to take absolutely forever to deliver it - but that was just yesterday, not mentioning the day before which wasn't going any better either! One example - travelling about 2hours to the other side of London to find that the tv we were meant to use for the exhibition didn't work properly so travelled another 2hours back without a tv, result - at least 5hours of the day lost. Thankfully after really long two days we managed to finish all of it on time, well maybe few minutes later but it was all good! It was definitely a crazy journey with a large amount of travelling and stress but it was worth it and the outcome was pretty good!

Btw. I am definitely impressed with my drilling skills!

10 Jun 2011




Tuesday June 14th
6 - 12pm

Victorian Vaults,
82 Great Eastern Street

2 minutes walk away from Old Street Tube Station, opposite The Hoxton Hotel

5 Jun 2011

Icing Sugar & Food Colouring

For our Such a Student Food Range (Self Initiated 2) 
More to come!

Kevin Cooley

I'm absolutely in love with Kevin Cooley's photography, the way he manages to capture the different lights is just unbelievable 

Make sure you check his website: http://www.kevincooley.net/

26 May 2011


Yes! So my website is up and running!
I must admit I did have few difficulties as it is my first attempt in making one but it doesnt look that bad? I hope! There are still few bits and pieces that need to be changed but youre more than welcome to check it out now:

London Underwater by 2100

 It has been predicted if global warming continues at its rate, by 2100 parts of London will be under water. We wanted to communicate the effect this could have on typography by using water-soluble paper and oil based paints to demonstrate that when the paper dissolves, all will be left is random letter floating freely. 

25 May 2011

I want this living room. But most importantly, I WANT THIS PICTURE CANVAS.

50 reasons not to date a Graphic Designer

1. They are very weird people.
2. There are billions of them in the world, like colors on the screen of your computer.
3. They will analyse conversations in layers.
4. You will spend the day assembling furniture from IKEA.
5. They drink and eat all kinds of weird shit just because they like the packaging.
6. They hate each other.
7. You’ll come out the last out of the movies because you have to see the full list of credits.
8. They cant change a light bulb or without making a sketch.
9. They fuck up all the tables with their cutters.
10. They rather study the paisley pattern on your outfit than listen to what you have to say.
11. They will fill your house with magazines and whatever is out there that has drawings.
12. You never know if it is really an original or a copy.
13. They make collages with your photos.
14. They do not know how to add and subtract, they just understand letters.
15. They idolize people who nobody knows and speak of them as if they were his colleagues.
16. They take pictures almost daily and all are cut in weird shapes.
17. They ask your opinion about everything but  they do whatever they want.
18. Everything is left justified, right or center unless they arrive late.
19. They hate Comic Sans with the same passion they love Helvetica.
20. They use iPhone for everything, because everyone has one.
21. You can not decorate the house without consulting them.
22. They steal street signs.
23. Always carry their hands painted with something.
24. They buy dolls unfinished for them to paint.
25. Everything becomes something other than what it really is: cards as tickets, cards as …
26. When arguing, you will be nicknamed like the OSX spinning wheel (not affectionately)
27. Do not know how to dress without consulting the Pantone book.
28. They hate Excel.
29. They read comics.
30. They want to save the world only with a poster.
31. You will spend the day brainstorming.
32. On vacation they will take you to countries that you do not know exist and have no beach.
33. Museums are their second home.
34. They know more positions than the Kamasutra.
35. They can’t go to a restaurant without secretly critiquing the menu design.
36. They listen to music you have never heard of.
37. They can´t cook a normal dish, they always have to experiment with new ingredients.
38. They read rare books: stories of children, Semiotics …
39. When you are going to tell you something, everyone has read it in their facebook and twitter.
40. They have own iPods before you knew they existed.
41. The orgasm they remember is when they heard that Adobe was acquiring Macromedia.
42. They have their own shops just for them and there are the most expensive in the city.
43. They want to spend all the money in the Apple Store.
44. You will never understand their gifts.
45. They see ordinary objects and laugh.
46. You wake up in the middle of the night hearim them screaming “When is the deadline?”
47. They see CMYK and RGB like Neo sees the Matrix.
48. They dream of the day nobody will make a single change to their designs.
49. They rather pay for a font than for a special birthday gift.
50. They are always sleepy because they work 24/7.

by a bourbon for silvia - Click

24 May 2011

The Royal Stalker

For the Self Initiated 3, myself and two of my partners have been looking at The Royal Wedding. We discovered that the Buckingham Palace receives over 10,000 letters from the mentally unstable Royal stalkers each year, some of them believe that they can offer the Royal family some advice or that they have a meaningful relationship with them as well as believing that they feel threatened by the Royal family. Due to the enormous amount, many of them were told to stay at home during the Royal Wedding. We decided to make an installation, which demonstrates a potential room of one of these stalkers. We created a fictional character who's name is Martha Wilson and who is obsessed with Prince William, believing that it is her who he will marry. Therefore she wants to get rid of Kate, we tried to show this by cutting Kate's faces out from all the newspapers and printouts that we've put on the wall as well as crossing her name out etc. This installation was created to highlight the fine line between the Royal stalkers and the general public. Almost every detail of the wedding day was available to the public, which demonstrates that the public and media were very close from showing the obsessive stalker behaviour, however for them this was acceptable on the day.

29 Apr 2011

Impatience, Lookalikes and The Royal Wedding

William & Kate a little impatient for their Wedding night?

Also You have to check these two videos out if you haven't already.
First one is for the T-Mobile campaign.. just brilliant! I must admit first time i watched it i actually thought it was really the Royal family.. Gullible me.

 And this one, I just love 'Kate's' face there.

Alison Jackson never fails with the lookalikes does she.

Right, now more on a serious note, The Wedding was just beautiful today.. and i have to mention Catherine's dress.. just amazing! Sarah Burton did her job well. Kate also has chosen a dress by Sarah Burton for the evening party as well which is just as stunning and delicate.

Also, I went to Westminster Abbey last night to interview people queuing for the Royal Wedding, therefore I will add some pictures of the camping madness during the weekend as well as some of the interviews which a few were a little shocking! 

Have a good long weekend peeps

25 Apr 2011

The not so planned outcome - More Pictures from Zenit

So heres a few more pictures from Portugal as well as one of the big moon (19th march 2011) and one of me. All of them came out a bit different to what I planned as (long story short) I kind of ruined the film while taking it out of the camera as well as having few other problems with it.. yes silly me. Im still happy with some of the outcome, I must admit at first I get a bit annoyed/upset when something like this happens however, its kind of exciting when looking at the developed prints as its so unexpected how they came out.

Anyway, hope all of you are having a great weekend, Happy Easter.

21 Apr 2011

Inspiration is everything

A little bit of my careers management notes. 
We were given a talk from the Peepshow Collective, which I really enjoyed as it's not everyday that you get to listen to a few amazing designers talking about their work and how they got to where they are now. They were giving us few ideas about which paths we can choose to take after we graduate as well as how to improve our portfolios and get some real life work experience in the industry. Some of you will probably find the notes a bit confusing as its basically in two languages, and yes I myself still find it a bit weird that this is what I do sometimes

Definitely have a look at their website if you haven't already http://www.peepshow.org.uk/

20 Apr 2011

The Charming Portugal

Got my photos from Portugal developed and here are a few that I took with Zenit
I will add more soon from Diana Mini, Dslr and more Zenit which I accidentally ruined the film but few really cool ones came out!

I think I said this to nearly everyone by now, however I need to mention it here as well how amazing, unique and absolutely beautiful Portugal/Algarve is! When I looked at the buildings I felt like Im in one of my imagined places where everything looks unreal, especially in The Old Town nearly all the buildings are white and so similar, its almost like a theme that is not allowed to be changed or broken if that makes sense. The beaches which I could lye on, walk over and look at for as long as I could are stunning with gold sand, crystalline water and astonishing rock formations with the surrounding caves are amazing and I just cant imagine anyone not enjoying it as much as we did!